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Photo of Wareco Martinez Diaz Puerto Rico

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Daz Martnez Warecase nascent Bayamn, Puerto Rico, in 1950. Graduate School of Plastic Arts in San Juan, PR, with a concentration in Painting, 1974. Studies under the direction of teachers Augusto Marin, JosAlicea, Rafael López del Campo, Fran Cervoni, Rafael Rios Rey, among others. Receives a scholarship to continue studies teacher at the Academia San Carlos dela...

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Photo of Wareco Martinez Diaz Puerto Rico


Daz Martnez Warecase nascent Bayamn, Puerto Rico, in 1950. Graduate School of Plastic Arts in San Juan, PR, with a concentration in Painting, 1974. Studies under the direction of teachers Augusto Marin, JosAlicea, Rafael López del Campo, Fran Cervoni, Rafael Rios Rey, among others. Receives a scholarship to continue studies teacher at the Academia San Carlos dela Autonomous University of Mexico City, 1976.Bajo the tutelage of excellent teachers view the process of elaboration of the pigments then would be used in developing the work. Upon returning to his country, riding his workshop in his hometown, where fructfera pasvarios months in creation. Then fuadmitido as an illustrator in the Department for Education, where he performed as Arts Technician Grficas in that agency, to the present. The analysis of other expression platforms, including digital printing, directs it to a new visual field, the monotype. Use different media such as ink, pastel, acrylic, graphite, and expression. The study of the symbology window and that of other cultures, to encourage the realization of his pictorial work. He has worked in community workshops offering their services. His work has been exhibited in Spain, England, France, USA, PerMjico and Uruguay.


I walk this flat surface, observe, visualize, interrelated with my interior, then Express. I walk down a sidewalk full of colorful ancestral caribea tropics, embodied by the energy that intoxicates my senses and makes me navigate a world of plenty. spontaneously emerge on the canvas, contours detached strokes of my nature. Artist's identity, be evolutionary and genuine representative of a little. Figuracin Inside, she is my banner, so she turns primaveal the cave, the womb, the Birth ", the creator, progenitor, universal symbol of the beginning of genesis. Developing the theme to the maximum to keep the message context. I like interacting with people young, because it is serious and they reflect the social commitment. The collaboration in the workshops reaffirmed me as a person, conscious of my duty as a citizen of a time. Reforsados statutes do not believe in a few or those who perch on a pulpit of power wanting to publicize its new aesthetic movement. There is no difference between a person erdita in the arts and a child with its tender knowledge of pigment begins to muddy the playing area. In the simplicity estla key, not looking Merit, but sun space can express my daily plastic. The avant-garde genre I do not consider, because as being evolutionary, my intellect is constantly vregenerando and as they say, there is nothing new under the sun. Trace is not a sin, is a must!


The technique of an artist, in this case server, not merely learned, but a process that takes place over the years and a record Frre. NEED TO not be intellectual, but take expontaniedad innocence and the NIO. I reaffirm that plastic artist is a worker of culture, an advocate of the marginalized. Aqupresentada The proposal includes only a portion of a passenger Period. As I say, because like all human beings, is l, the accomplices of the future of a nation. With the Almighty as a guide, I walk the surface of pure white plaster and refurgente, is like that communion between Heavenly Father and myself. A good sketch or study, either in charcoal, pencil or other material, is a key foundation in the quality of a work of art. When I begin a work, is like a ritual, where bohiques Yque am, dancing around the web, so that she enters into trance and spiritual energy that flows all nesecitamos and many do not know. I try that in the work estpresente the color of my earth, where light diaphanous wrap Linz. try everything possible that our code estpresente Geographically, coke. I'm loving these spontaneous accidents that take place during the creation of the plastic work, such as accidents and stains dripping color, and they became aware. Leo is the element that attracts me, that it forces me to do what he wants, but what I can master my way, is l, which transforms me. In some cases resort to the texture to leave behind so smug, that holiness does not exist. Also use other media such as pastel, ink, acrylic or watercolor. Seeking new horizons for me professional training, explore various programs related to graphic arts, such as PageMaker, QuarkXPress, Photoshop, Illustrator, Paint and others. Surfing the internet, descubrque for the years 1990, was developing in the United States of America, a new proposal in the art, giclees was a new form of printing, digital. Taking all of my knowledge that has given me the Technological equipment, computers, decidcrear something different to what I do in my work. Asnacen my digital prints, monotypes. Are monotypes because art comes AFTER the printer, each piece is worked with different media such as acrylic, ink, pastel, etc.. Everything is passing, redundant, we are constantly changing, we volume, regenerative particles, we are on all, human.


1976 Autonomous University of Mexico,
National Academy of Fine Arts, San Carlos, Mexico, DF
1974 School of Plastic Arts, San Juan, PR


2004 "Ms allde the stone ... the beginning", Museum of Toa Baja, Toa Baja, PR
1989 "First Force" Art and History Museum Francisco Oller, Bayamn, PR
1988 "A View", Gallery of the Department for Education, Hato Rey, PR
1976 Drawings and Paintings, Archibo General of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR


2008 Los Albizus Albizu, Art and History Museum of Pedro Albizu Campos, Patillas, PR 2008 Cin Corretjer Images of time, Old Navy Arsenal Spanish, San Juan, PR
2007 Los albizus Albizu, BTEC. Munic. Suares Mariana Longo, Ponce, PR
2006 Latin Views 2006 Mystic Arts Center, Mystic, Connecticut, USA
2005 Presence Boricua Museum of the Americas, Miami, Florida, USA
2005 "Mosaic Indgena Ceremonial Center, Ponce, PR
International Mini-Print 2004-2005 Cadaqus, Spain-Exhibitions: Workshop Fort Galera,
Spain, Wingfield Arts & Music Festival, England and L'Etang d 'Art, France.
2004 "Convergence", dedicated to Lolita Lebrn, Department for Education, Hato Rey, PR
2004 "The cry of the soul" Capitol of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR
2003 "accomplices in Art", Barrachina Restaurant, San Juan, PR
2003 "National Exhibition of Plastic Arts, Old Navy Arsenal Espaola, San Juan, PR
2002-2007 "Great Dinner Auction, Arts and Commitment, "Community Initiative, Hato Rey, PR
1999 "Painting, IV Meeting of children, youth and adults by the World Book"
Convent of the Dominicans, San Juan, PR
1997 "Effigies" Galera Department for Education, Hato Rey, PR
1997 First International Painting Exhibition, San Miguel, Perbr /> 1996 "Collective exhibition," Department Galera for Education, PR
1995 "Birds of Puerto Rico", Galera Fridman, Isla Verde, PR
1994 "Art Competition," Alfonso Arana Foundation, Museum of Art and History of San Juan, PR
1993 Exhibition pictorial, Instituto de Cultura del Callao, Peru.
1992 "Encuentro", Galera El Grito, Levittown, Toa Baja, PR
1992 "Collective exhibition," Gallery of the Department for Education, Hato Rey, PR
Yeminis Galera 1991, Miraflores, Lima, Peru.
1991 Puerto Ricans Painters, Exhibition Hall of Chorrillos, Lima, Peru.
1981 "First Show pictorial International and National University of San Martin de
Porres, Lima, Peru.
1981 "Fifth Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture, Puerto Rican, Dominican Convent,
San Juan, PR
1977 to 79 "Art Contest, Mobil Oil Caribe, Inc., Ateneo Puerto Rican, San Juan, PR
1977 "First Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture Puerto Rican" Old Convent
The Dominicans, San Juan, PR work is acquired "6:00 am" to his collection.
Cultural Board Infonavit 1975, Azcapotzalco, Mexico, DF


"6:00 am", Institute of Puerto Rican Culture, San Juan, PR
"Remembrance", Museum of Toa Baja, Toa Baja, PR

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